Service: lighting planning / lighting consultation


Includes 19% MwST.
Delivery Time: not specified

“Brightness is a need, light is an art!”

With this motto, it is our goal to bring the wellbeing of people together with the architecture in harmony. We understand lighting planning to mean more than just making a room light. We create places with an individual atmosphere.

At our lighting consultation, we work with you to develop an initial planning goal based on the floor plan of your property. This is the first step in our lighting planning for you.

Book a binding first consultation hour at a price of 69 € plus VAT on the phone or in a video session via ZOOM with a specialist from our team. Here we will discuss your project on the subject of light and lighting design in your property with you. Benefit from our experience as a certified DIAL lighting specialist and longstanding luminaire designer.

Totals: 120
SKU: Service5 Category: Tags: ,


“Brightness is a need, light is an art!”

With this motto, it is our goal to bring the wellbeing of people together with the architecture in harmony. We understand lighting planning to mean more than just making a room light. We create places with an individual atmosphere.

At our lighting consultation, we work with you to develop an initial planning goal based on the floor plan of your property. This is the first step in our lighting planning for you.

Book a binding first consultation hour at the price of € 120 incl. VAT plus Directions or on the phone or in a video session via ZOOM with a specialist from our team. Here we will discuss your project on the subject of light and lighting design in your property with you. Benefit from our experience as a certified DIAL lighting specialist and longstanding luminaire designer.